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Monday, March 21, 2011

This is a video I made : )

Hi guys . This is a video I made up when I was about 6.

Yay, I finally found a picture of me with glasses!!!

Hey guys!! You know how I was saying I wanted some pictures of me with glasses . Well I found some. Now this one was at Georgia. I was visiting my aunts and uncles , moreso, just aunts.

This one was at Christmas. I really did like that Christmas beacause that was when I got to visit my aunts as I said on the last one.

I know y'all are going to ask, ''Why are you dressed like that?'' I was in a church fashion show ,and that is my sister. Well that is pretty much all , bye .

A few photos I took

This was at a dance conpetition. My brother was doing a dance . Don't laugh, and just so y'all know, he did not have to wear a leotard and tights.

This was at the Victoria zoo , Sadly I am the baby in my mom's hands. Why am I the youngest of the family ?

Well these are all the pictures I wanted to show y'all . I wish I could show y'all one with my glasses . Well, bye . Have a wonderful day : )

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I am Savannah

Hi . my name is Savannah. I am 7 years old. My birthday is july 17. I was born in 2003. When I grow up I want to be a fashion model. Here is what I look like. That was when I was 4 years old but now I have glasses